Within the archaeological reserve “Thracian and antique city of Kabyle” two types of expositions are offered: outdoor and indoor.
The outdoor exposition includes all the explored buildings so far among which:
1. Thracian rock sanctuary, hewn into the most eastern culmination of “Rabbit’s peak” and existed during XII – IV century BC
2. Part of the West Thracian fortress wall with two towers and a gate (IV – I century BC)
3. Part of the North Thracian fortress wall (IV – I century BC)
4. Southwest gate, proteichismai and part of the west wall of the late Roman military camp (II-IV century AD)
5. East Gate and part of the east wall of the civilian settlement (II-VI century AD)
6. Horreumii (ІІ-ІІІ century AD)
7. Roman therms in the military camp (ІІІ-ІV century AD)
8. Roman therms in the civilian settlement (ІV century AD)
9. Early Christian episcopal basilica No.1 (ІV-VІ century AD)
10. Early Christian episcopal basilica No.2 (ІV-VІ century AD)
11. Military barracks No.1 (ІV-VІ century AD)
12. Military barracks No. 2 (ІV-VІ century AD)
13. Late Antiquity neighbourhood (V-VІ century AD)
14. Facilities of water supply and sewerage system of the Roman military camp and civil settlement (II-III century AD)
15. Fortified building "tursis"iii located on the highest central hill (IV-III century BC)
16. Buildings from medieval village of XI - XIV century AD
The indoor exposition is placed in the archaeological museum built in the reserve. It keeps exhibits from the Kabyle and the surrounding area from all archaeological periods. In the main room are featured exhibits from the dawn of humanity, pottery from prehistoric mound in the village of Drama, glass, bronze and ceramic vessels from the Thracian and Roman eras, as well as individual exhibits from the Middle Ages. In the great hall is also exposed part of the mosaic floor discovered during excavations of the Great Basilica. The smaller hall has housed an exhibition of artefacts found in the region of Kabyle during the construction of Trakia(Thrace) motorway.
i. an independent structure opposite and parallel to the main fortification wall, designed to prevent the onslaught of enemies, and in particular to prevent their siege machines to reach the defensive wall
ii. storehouse, barn, granary
iii. Thracian fortification